Danish Championsship in dressage for Club teams
A big congratulations to all placed teams and an extra congratulations to the winning team from Graasten Ridingclub who now can call them self Danish Champions in team Dressage!
There were big sponsored prices for all placed riders from us.
1. Place Graasten Ridingclub
Sophia Ludvigsen and Gørklintgårds Jericho (MB1)
Helle Pedersen and Don Duplo (MB2)
Pernille Ørum and Safari Klintgaard (PSG)
Sissel Jeppesen and Welt Rose (LA5)
2. Place The Sportsridingclub Vallensbaek
Lea Dyre Jespersen and Samzung Horsebo (MB1)
Frederikke Lundgren Skelmose and Overgaard’s Zacksu (MB2)
Michael Søgaard and Jukebox (PSG)
Nanna Skodborg Merrald and Blue Hors Zirrus (LA5)
3. Place Vallø Sportsridingclub
Olivia Lamm and San Dior (PSG)
Rune Willum Hansen and Atterupgaards Seebach (MB2)
Joachim Chr. Thomsen and Dam’s Duchess (MB1)
Anne Troensegaard and Neikos (LA5)
Congratulations to all placed riders in the B finale!
1. Place Uggerhalne Sportsridingclub
2. Place Sønderborg Sportsridingclub
3. Place Strandagergaard Ridingclub